Tiger 3 Box Office Collection: Salman Khan’s movie “Tiger 3” is doing really well in theaters. It’s not just making a lot of money in India, but it’s also earning a lot globally. In just two days after it came out, the movie made more than Rs 150 crore worldwide. On the first day, it made about Rs 95.23 crore, and on the second day, it made Rs 88.16 crore. So, in total, the movie has made Rs 183.39 crore at the box office around the world.
Tiger 3 Box Office Collection
Movie expert Manobala Vijayabalan shared the news on a platform called X, previously known as Twitter, confirming that “Tiger 3” has quickly crossed the Rs 150 crore mark in just two days at the worldwide box office. According to Vijayabalan, Salman Khan’s film had a fantastic Monday, drawing large crowds with high attendance at all theaters. On the first day, it earned Rs 95.23 crore, and on the second day, it added Rs 88.16 crore, bringing the total to Rs 183.39 crore.
Tiger 3 Worldwide Box Collection
Within only two days of being in theaters, “Tiger 3” has earned more than Rs 100 crore in India. This makes it the 17th Salman Khan movie to achieve this milestone, following the recent disappointment “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.” Despite being made with a budget of around Rs 125 crore, “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan” managed to collect Rs 110.94 crore in India and Rs 184.60 crore worldwide throughout its entire time in theaters.